More accidents happen at home than anywhere else. Every year over two million children are taken to A&E due to accidents in the home.
There is lots you can do to keep your children safe in and around the home. Watch the animation below for our top hints and tips.
Monitor Wires
When your baby is small you may have baby monitors, grow eggs or other electronic devices to keep help keep them safe. As your baby gets more active; pulling to stand, reaching; becoming inquisitive and exploring the world, their needs change.
When they reach this stage, it is important to think about moving the cot away from electrical wires and leads to prevent accidents. Remember - what kept your tiny baby safe can be dangerous for toddlers.
Around 44% of accidents where children need medical care are because of falls. The risk of falls starts very early.
Babies can fall from changing tables or from beds. Babies should never be left on a high surface – you never know when that first time they roll or move themselves will happen!
On the Move
As your baby gets more mobile you need to think ahead to what they can do and what they will learn to do. Your baby can move more quickly than you might think – do not leave them unattended.
As your baby starts to crawl, climb and walk, look around your home and other places you go. Get down to their level – see what might ‘tempt’ a busy baby to explore. Think about how falls might happen.
Young children have little sense of danger and will need you close by to keep them safe. As your child grows they will still not always assess falls risks for themselves. Make sure they use safety equipment like;
There are a lot of everyday products we use in our home that are dangerous to children, if they swallow them and / or spill them on themselves.
It is important that medicines, cleaning products and other harmful products are kept safely out of children’s reach. Products that we use every day like washing capsules, dishwasher tablets are really dangerous if a child puts them in their mouth.
Some plants, flowers and trees are poisonous to children too. You will nee to be extra careful when your child is still at the ‘putting things in their mouth stage’.
As your child grows talk to them about not playing with or ‘tasting’ things that they do not know for certain are safe.
Button Batteries
In recent years the use of button batteries has increased. They are widely used in toys and gadgets. They are small and can be easily picked up by little ones and swallowed. When this happens if children are not treated very quickly by emergency doctors they can cause serious harm and even death.
Because they are so dangerous it is important to know where they are used in your home. Items using button batteries and any spares should be stored safely and out of children’s reach.
Some toys use button batteries. If a toy has batteries they should be safely secured needing a screwdriver to open the compartment. You should check that this is firmly in place regularly.
Baby CPR
No one wants to think that they might have to use life saving skills on a baby. But knowing what you would need to do in an emergency can make you feel a bit less worried about it. It is an important skill for everyone. You are learning this to protect your own baby but it could be you who knows what to do to help someone else, some time in the future.
Watch the video below and get others in your family to do the same.
Children can choke on things they put in their mouth or things than can become tangled around their necks. One child in the UK dies each month by choking.
Watch the video below and get others in your family to do the same.
Animal Safety
Many families have pets and this can help teach children kindness and develop their social skills. Children like to kiss and cuddle and get close to animals but this is not how animals show love - they may find it frightening and bite or scratch.
Remember that however gentle and well trained your pet might be, they still rely on their animal instincts. They can react in unexpected ways when they are frightened or stressed. This can make animals like dogs dangerous. Children have been badly injured and even killed by family pets.
Never leave small children and pets unattended together – even for the shortest time. Even if they seem to have got used to each other there is a risk.
During the summer months, you should be extra careful about preventing food poisoning in your family. Barbecues in the summer are something to look forward to but the food must be cooked correctly to prevent people getting sick.
Here are some tips that can help:
If you are not sure whether your child is unwell or needs medical attention call 111 or your GP for advice. Remember that you know your child best: if you think your child is seriously unwell act fast. Call 999 for an ambulance or go to your nearest A&E department.
If you cannot make voice calls, you can now contact the 999 emergency services by SMS text from your mobile phone. Emergency SMS is part of the standard 999 service which has been designed specifically for people with hearing loss or difficulty with speech.
You can contact the Healthy Child Programme by calling Just One Number on 0300 300 0123 or texting Parentline on 07520631590. Our opening hours are 8am-6pm Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays) and 9am-1pm on Saturdays.
You can speak to other Norfolk parents and carers by clicking our online community forum below.