When the weather is hot it is important to make sure your baby has enough fluids. If you are formula feeding your baby using powdered or ready-made formula you can also give small amounts of boiled tap water, which has been cooled down, in between their formula feeds. Do not offer bottled water as this contains sodium.
Cooled boiled water should not be offered in place of the usual milk feeds you are giving as it is important to ensure your baby is getting the correct nutrients. Please do not water down your usual milk feeds as this will also mean your baby will not get what they need at each feed.
Water is the only drink that should be offered to your baby and this should be in small amounts as they have immature kidneys. Drinks such as baby juices or herbal teas are not necessary and should not be offered. These can affect your baby’s kidneys or damage teeth before they emerge from the gum.
Very Important
In hot weather keep an eye on how much your baby is weeing and the colour of the wee. If they are producing less wee than usual and it is darker in colour (it should be straw coloured or clear) you should offer a drink of water.
Over 6 months you can give water in a cup with all your baby’s meals. You can use tap water safely from this age.
If your baby is less than 28 days old you can contact your local midwifery team or you can contact the Healthy Child Programme at any time following your baby's birth by calling Just One Number on 0300 300 0123 or texting Parentline on 07520 631590.
Our opening hours are 8am-6pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) and 9am-1pm on Saturdays.
Norfolk Healthy Child Programme has a team of infant feeding champions who can contact you by video call/telephone initially to discuss your questions and refer you to further help if required. All of our staff are trained to Unicef standards to provide you with the best possible breastfeeding support and advice.
It may help in the first instance to read the Essential Guide to Feeding & Caring for your Baby.
Norfolk’s Early Childhood and Family Service (ECFS) offers support for all parents and carers with children aged 0 to 5 years.
To speak to other Norfolk parents and carers, you can join our online community forum below.
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