During the primary school years, from 5 -11 years old, children continue to develop, both emotionally and physically. By the end of this period your child will be beginning adolescence and starting high school!
These years are important for helping your child build healthy habits, and to have the confidence and self-esteem, that will help them thrive and get ready for more independence.
As children grow they start to become more confident communicators who are able to be understood and understand others.
Gross Motor Physical Development
Gross motor skills use big muscle groups. If your child has lots of opportunity to be active and use their muscles they will continue to improve these skills. Now is often a time that children get the chance to try out different physical activities, find out what they like and are good at.
Encouraging your child to be active is really important. They might enjoy sports and activities with friends or family at the park or at out of school clubs. Physical activity can be something you do together too; you can be a role model for your child as well as enjoying time together.
Children can begin to really enjoy exercise habits that will help to keep them healthy throughout life. It can take a bit of time to find the thing your child really enjoys.
Take a looks at the links below for some ideas;
Fine Motor Physical Development
Fine Motor Skills use the small muscles in the hands and wrists. These will be more developed now. There are lots of skills that might be easier for your child, like getting themselves dressed and tying shoelaces. They may be working on their writing skills too and enjoy making things. The skills your child has developed so far will continue to grow.
It is good to encourage activities where your child has to use their hands.
Problem Solving Skills
Problem solving skills describes your child learning to make more sense of the world and what is expected of them. Have boundaries at home that your child understands. They will be able to understand there are some rules at home and at school that they need to stick to.
Your child can begin to learn how to organise themselves. They will need your help to start with.
Personal & Social Development
Personal and social development means learning about who we are as a person. Your child will still rely on you to help them feel safe, secure and loved. They are having to get used to other people being in their world like friends and teachers. You still have a big influence on helping them feel confident and believe in themselves.
They will be learning about friendships. This can be hard and they will need your support to work out how to cope with the ups and downs childhood friends bring. Set aside time to check in with your child and see how they are feeling.
It can be hard for children when they first experience friends being unkind to them or worry that they don’t fit in. Helping your child feel good about them self and talking about their worries can give them the tools to cope.
Firstly remember that each child will develop at their own pace.
If your child attends school talk to them about your worries – they will be able to work with you to build your child’s skills and advise on any next steps needed.
You can contact the Healthy Child Programme by calling Just One Number on 0300 300 0123 or texting Parentline on 07520 631590. Our opening hours are 8am-6pm Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays) and 9am-1pm on Saturdays.
If you are 11-19 you can text ChatHealth on 07480 635060 for confidential advice from one of our team.
To speak to other Norfolk parents and carers, you can join our online community forum below.
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