
Services To Support You & Your Family

Translating the Website

Step 1

All text on this website can be read aloud by clicking the 'Easy read & translate' button in the top blue bar.

Screen shot illustrating the easy read and translate button at the top of the screen, in a blue bar above the NHS logo

Step 2

The words can also be translated into the language of your choice by selecting the dark grey box with an A in.

Screenshot illustrating the translation button, a dark green button which two language characters, found in the translation bar at the top of the screen

Step 3

You can then select the language of your choice from the drop down menu.

If there is a speaker next to the language, the text can also be read aloud.

screenshot illustrating the translation menu, showing a search bar, a default language button and different languages.

You can save your preferences for your next visit.

Translating Documents Within the Website

Step 1

Click on the 'Easy read & translate' button in the top blue bar.

Screen shot illustrating the easy read and translate button at the top of the screen, in a blue bar above the NHS logo

Step 2

Open the PDF you want to view by clicking on the 'Download' button

Screenshot illustrating a cream download button which allows you to open files and links

Step 3

The words can be translated into the language of your choice by selecting the dark grey box with an A in.

options bar with several boxes including a dark grey box with an A in it, the translation tool.

Step 4

You can then select the language of your choice from the drop down menu.

If there is a speaker next to the language, the text can also be read aloud.

screenshot illustrating the translation menu, showing a search bar, a default language button and different languages.

Who can Help?

You can contact our services by calling Just One Number on 0300 300 0123 and asking for an interpreter if needed or by texting Parentline on 07520 631590. Our opening hours are 8am-6pm Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays) and 9am-1pm on Saturdays.

If your child is 11-24 years old, FYI Norfolk is an interactive NHS website just for them. It provides reliable and trustworthy advice and support on lots of health and wellbeing topics.