Your search for School returned these results:
they are especially common in school age children who play and work closely together. There is not much you
by step. They will use these skills to learn new things at school too. Try not to step in too quickly
Sensory overload occurs when the brain is unable to cope with the amount of incoming sensory information. This overwhelm may come from one or more of the sensory systems. It may be due to challenges arising from under/over-responsivity and/or challenges being able to filter out relevant from irrelevant sensory information. Other stressful events occurring within the child’s day (I.e. not knowing the answer to a question at school, having a fall out with a friend) contribute to feelings
, theatre, arts & crafts and children who receive benefits related free school meals can claim free spaces
you see out and about or things your child tells you have happened at nursery or school. Pretend
preference. Some strategies listed below can be practised at home and in school to provide you
for more than one hour per day Interfere with their life, for example wanting to avoid school, or affecting
years setting, school, your GP or call Just One Number to talk to a health professional if: You
to speak to a GP, someone at their school or an LBGTQ+ support line if they feel uncomfortable going
change and they cannot help it. Unfortunately it does not always fit in with school and family life